Sunday, February 28, 2010

Jesus Saves Those Who Come Through Him

Hebrews 7:25 (NLT)
Therefore He is able, once and forever, to save those who come to God through Him. He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf.

The ‘He’ that this verse refers to is Jesus. Jesus is always able to save those who come to God through Him. The reason He rose again is to save us from our sins.

Those are some powerful words right there. We are sinners, every one of us. But whoever comes to God through Jesus to ask forgiveness for their sins can be saved! Jesus lives to save us!

So how do you come to God through Him? With this prayer:
“Lord, I know that I am a sinner, worthy of being cast forever from You presence. But I also know that Jesus came down to die on the cross for my sins, so that whoever believes in Him can live with You forever, in Heaven. If I come to You, God, through Him, I know that He will save me. I ask in His name, that You will forgive me for my sins, and come into my life. Thank You, for this gift of salvation. Amen.”

With that prayer, you can be what Christians refer to as ‘saved’. Saved from what? Saved from eternal damnation (Hell). If you just prayed that prayer, Congratulations. You are going to start the greatest journey you could ever imagine. God will take you places you never thought you would go, and help you do things you never thought you could do. He is truly an amazing God.

In His Service,

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